SZG Double Conical revolving Vacuum Drier is double conical rotating cyIinder Under the state of vacuum in the cylinder, pass steam or hot water into the jacket to heat, The heat WiII be contacted with damp raw rnateriaI through inner walI. The evaporated steam after the raw material absorbed heat Will be exhausted through vacuum pump. Because the inner of cylinder is in vacuum state and the cylinder make raw material turn over from up to down and from inner to outer the drying speed is fastened and the drying efficiency is raised and the purpose of uniform dry can be reached.
The Double Conical Revolving Vacuum Drier is a new style drier integrated rnixing and drying in its one body, lt is equipped with condensator and vacuum pump to consist of vacuum drying device, (If the soIvent does not recover, the condensator may not be used). The design of this machine is advanced and its inner structure is sirnple. So its clean is very convenient and the raw material can be discharged fully and its operation is very simple. lt can reduce Iabor strength and improve working environment. LeveI meanwhile when the cyIinder is rotating. the raw material is rOtated too,the waII of cylinder can not be accurnulated on the wall. lts coefficient of thermal transmission is high and the drVing speed is high, Not only it can save energy but aIso the raw material can be dried fully and uniformly and the quaIity of produCt is high, lt can be used wide for pharmaceuticaI industry. chemicaI industry. foodstuff industry, dyestuff industry, etc. lt is in conformity with the requirements of "GMP".
The machine is suitable fOr vacuurn mixing and drying of powder and granule raw materials of pharmaceutical industry. chernical induStry. foodStuff industry etc.Particularly it is suitable for raw materials that have the follow requirernents : 1 ThemaI sensitive raw materials that cannot be Withstood high temperature, 2 Raw materials that is easy to oxidize and have dangerous. 3 Raw materiaIs that the soIvent and toxic gases are needed to recover 4 Raw materials that have special requirement for crystal shape. 5 Raw materiaIs that have special requirement tor the content of residuaI volatlle.
Technical Parameters:
Model |
100 |
350 |
500 |
750 |
1000 |
1500 |
2000 |
3500 |
4500 |
5000 |
Volume inside the tank(L) |
100 |
350 |
500 |
750 |
1000 |
1500 |
2000 |
3500 |
4500 |
5000 |
Loading capacity(L) |
≤50 |
≤175 |
≤250 |
≤375 |
≤500 |
≤750 |
≤1000 |
≤1750 |
≤2250 |
≤2500 |
Revolution(rmp) |
3-13 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Power of motor(kw) |
0.75 |
1.1 |
1.5 |
2.2 |
3 |
4 |
5.5 |
7.5 |
11 |
15 |
Occupied area L×W |
2160×800 |
2160×800 |
2350×800 |
2560×1000 |
2860×1300 |
3060×1300 |
3260×1400 |
3760×1800 |
3960×2000 |
4400×2500 |
Rotating height(mm) |
1750 |
2100 |
2250 |
2490 |
2800 |
2940 |
2990 |
3490 |
4100 |
Design pressure inside the tank(mpa) |
-0.1-0.15 |
Design pressure of jacket(mpa) |
Working temperaure(℃) |
(85 in the tank ≤85)套内≤140(in the tank ≤140) |
When condensor is used, model and power of vacuum pump |
2X-15A 2KW |
2X-15A 2KW |
2X-30A 3KW |
2X-30A 3KW |
2X-70A 5.5KW |
7KW |
9.5KW |
11KW |
20.5KW |
22KW |
When condensor is not used, model and power of vacuum pump |
1.5KW |
1.5KW |
2.2KW |
4KW |
4KW |
5.5KW |
11KW |
11KW |
15KW |
18.5KW |
Weight (kg) |
800 |
1100 |
1200 |
1500 |
2800 |
3300 |
3600 |
6400 |
7500 |
8600 |
Notice in order:
1 Its heating has three ways i,e. steam, hot water, heat conduction oiI. 2 When order, please indicate the ternperature of raw matrial to be undertaken or the operation temperature of drier in order to choose or provide suitable heat source for you. 3 When dry viscous raw materiaI. our factory wiII design speciaI stirring device in the chamber 4 The auxiliary parts of vacuum drying systern can be supplied and installed by Our factory, PIease indicate them when order 5 lf having special requirements, our faCtory can also design, manufacture and install as request. 6 The cost of complete equipment should be increased in accordance with the needs. |