1 The dry strength is Iarge and investment of equipment is savingfthe treating amount of air stream drier is the largeSt. The evaporated rnoisture capacity of equipment manufactured by we wilI be 50-1500kg/hr, The volume of equipment is smalI and the investment is saving. This advantage can not be compared from other drying equipment. 2.The automatic content is high and the quality of product is goodfthe raw material to be dried is inside the pipe. The dry ti rne is short(only 0.5-2 seconds), So that the automatic can be realized. The raw material can not contact with outer substances. So the pollutio n is small and the quality of produCt is good. 3,The equipment wiII be supplied completely and the heat source can be chosen freeIy:the air strearn of drier wiIl be suppIied compIetely, The basic type consists of filter, heater, feeder,drying pipe,fan and cycIone separaorCuStomer can install duster and other auxiliary equipment in accordance with practical conditions. On the choice of heating way,air strearn drier has wide suitability. Custorner can choose steam,eleCtricity and airheated furnace to heat in accordance practical conditions, MeanwhiIe it should be chosen in accordance with the temperature of raw material to be resiSted(or temperature of hot air)fif< 150"C,choose steam to heat, if <200"C,eleCtric or stearn and electric as supplement or heat conduCt oil),if <300"c,coal air-healed furnace;if<600"c,oil air-heated furnace.
Principle of Work:
The damp raw material through conveyer and heated fresh air enter into the drier at the same tirne, They are rnixed fully Because the area of heat exchange is large, the purpose of evaporation and dry can be realized in a short tirne. The dried finished product is discharged from cyclone separator SrnaII parts of powder dust can be recovered and used through cyclone separator or bag duter,ModeI Q air stream is operated at negative pressure. The raw material does not pass through fan.Model QG air stream drier is operated at positive pressure.The raw material passes through fan with the effeCt of crushing.Model FG air strearn drier is tail air circle type. Model JG air strearn drier is a reinforced type, lt integrates flash dry and air stream dry in the one body and is also a newest styIe drier designed and manufactured by us as custorner request.
Techical Parameters:
Model |
Evaporated moisture kg/h |
Equipped power KW |
Occupied area |
Height |
QG |
JG |
m2 |
m |
QG(JG)50 |
50 |
7 |
10 |
20 |
9 |
QG(JG)100 |
100 |
13 |
20 |
32 |
11 |
QG(JG)200* |
200 |
21 |
31 |
40 |
11 |
QG(JG)250 |
250 |
24 |
32 |
64 |
13 |
QG(JG)500* |
500 |
43 |
54 |
96 |
13 |
QG(JG)1000* |
1000 |
100 |
135 |
120 |
15 |
QG(JG)1500* |
1500 |
150 |
175 |
200 |
16 |
Note;The date in the bmeket at the line of equipped power w ll be the power of bag dusteL |