
  在精细化工、制药和食品等行业中,相关的企业会使用各种类型的机器进行材料的干燥。同时当企业进行拥有特殊特性的材料时,企业会选择使用真空干燥机进行材料的干燥,这样就可以保证材料的特殊特性。  材料会通过进料泵进入机器,同时机器中的输送装置会将材料送入干燥室内。真空干燥机厂家利用研发和制造空间技术自身的经验,创造新一代真空系统中采用环保工艺的使用进行节能技术。让真空干燥产品范围不断扩大,也让食品等物料干燥的更安全。真空脱水海鲜,水果,蔬菜等,对装备设计局“火炬”生产高品质的食品,其^初的生物价(脱水过程中损失^小的发生减压和15&d  在食品、制药等行业中,工厂会使用常规机器进行材料的干燥。同时当工厂进行易氧化、易挥发和对热敏感材料的干燥时,工厂会使用真空干燥机进行材料的干燥。并且该机器具有较高的热效率,促使该机器可以在较短的时间内完成材料的干燥。  机器中的定量器会分批次的将材料送入机木材真空干燥机温和,不褪色,非常快速干燥(或“木材干燥”)。这些裂纹,无压力的干燥是适合所有高品质的硬木和大型软木。相比传统的烘干等真空系统提供极大的优势:*在否则难以干燥木材(的40-10%,在288小时如橡树65毫米)。*对于大尺寸的,例如, 120毫米云杉/ 96小时8  在日常的加工中,工厂会使用一种行之有效的机器进行材料的干燥。所以会使用真空干燥机进行材料的干燥,同时该机器能在较短的时间里完成材料的干燥。因此,该机器被广泛的运用在各个行业中。  材料会通过进料口进入机器,同时会引入适量的空气,并且材料会空气充分接触。随后真空干燥是在其中材料在减压环境,从而降低所需的快速干燥的热和干燥热敏性干燥的处理,容易氧化的材料设计并易分解,能够收容填充有惰性气体,尤其是一些项目可能是复杂的部件进行快速干燥。对于真空干燥机如何选择,下面真空干燥机厂家教你几招:挑选真空干燥机,首先确定哪些真空干燥机是^适合你的应用部分取决于知道你  由于在日常的加工中,工厂会对拥有特殊特性的产品进行加工。为了不破坏产品的特性,工厂会选择使用真空干燥机进行产品的加工。这样不仅有效的缓解加工时可能会对产品造成的破坏,而且还可以加快机器的加工效率。  通常工人会将产品放置在入料口处,同时工人会加入适量的空气良好的真空是必要的,以便从产品基质的水分子的平均自由路径不受压力阻碍。尽可能低的压力不一定是所希望(下面10-2乇),因为低于此压力,和真空泵变得更显著,因而冒着污染该产品的“返流”现象矩阵。冷冻真空干燥机的冷凝系统应能够冷凝该升华蒸气从产品中释放在-55℃ 至-65℃的温度  通常工厂会使用真空干燥机进行物料的干燥作业,并且真空干燥机拥有较好的干燥效率,同时该机器可以对物料进行连续的干燥作业。因此,越来越多的工厂开始使用这款机器进行日常的干燥作业。  通常工人会从入料口放入物料,并且机器中的传输带会把物料传输到干燥室中。同时工人真空干燥可为那些热敏固体产品的有用工具。食品,医药,化工,塑料,木材,造纸等行业用烘干设备,以消除产品加工过程中的水分。^早的真空干燥机被分类为直接干燥机,热空气(在接近大气压)是用来提供的热量从产品蒸发水或其它溶剂。干燥是^耗能的单元操作中,由于水的汽化的高潜热,并使用热空气作为(^常见)干燥介质

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帕特森Industries加拿大“过程装备的人”的设计,工程和制造许多不同的工业和化学流程和应用程序的Conaform真空干燥机。 帕特森Conaform干燥操作的原则基础上,水或其它挥发性物质的高蒸气压的从一个区域移动到较低压力区。这Conaform达到通过加热干燥的材料,可以提高吸收的或游离液体的蒸气压,或通过真空或扫它带走空气流通过的蒸气的气体压力降低。因此,很明显,Conaform真空干燥系统中提供有效的干燥的基本条件,高效率和均匀的热传递整个分批..和快速去除蒸汽。帕特森Conaform真空干燥机可以建在从1立方英尺(0.03立方米)的大小为371立方英尺(10.51立方米)的能力与体直径从1'6“(0.46米),10英尺6英寸(3.2米)。帕特森Conaform干燥器是完全通过夹套循环热水,油,蒸汽或蒸汽夹套和设计。由于Conaform单位转动时,快速和连续的批次间混合带来的每一个粒子在与被加热的表面接触。混合和折叠用的组合,可以实现均匀的温度在整个批处理,因为没有冷点,防止再缩合,并有助于快速的干燥速度和消除结块。在理想的条件下,同时维持高真空的材料是在运动中,允许绘图的水分。帕特森Conaform真空机是专为快速,高效的干燥各种各样的化学品,药品和食品。其独特的双锥形的回转形状,保证材料和加热表面之间的直接接触。这将导致在高效率和均匀的热传递,并允许高速干燥,干燥温度不提高被加工的材料的危险点。的PATTERSON Conaform是非常温和的行动。移动部件的情况下,保证对解体的锋利边缘或拐角的晶体或磨损。由于是密封的烘干机,操作无粉尘。这意味着,没有重大损失和没有污染的气氛。帕特森Conaform被设计为没有电容器或其他辅助设备中使用的许多材料的干燥。 ,通常一个Conaform将取代整个系列的托盘微波炉。如冷凝器,倾析器等,是必需的,他们可以适当大小的为每Conaform的机。帕特森Conaform是提供一个特殊的分散机制称为作为Conagrator,材料倾向于在干燥过程中形成硬块。使用一个Conagrator有助于实现高的干燥速率,即使当处理结晶材料。应用范围:帕特森Conaform真空干燥机在除了干燥功能,也可以用于混合,加热,冷却和用于液体或气体的添加剂等功能。它们被用于广泛的食品物质,药品和化学品干燥。帕特森Conaform真空机已经使用的进程,需要预混合的液体添加剂,此外,加热的内容带出了反应,清除多余的水分,^后冷却批次的产品。设计特点:室内清洁 - 易于保持清洁 Conaform干燥器的内部仅由光滑的侧壁,通过它的热量被传递到产品。干燥室的独特的双圆锥形状实现混合和掺合的行动。缸和截锥体的相交是钝角,所以没有材料被困住。有没有内部的刮削器,犁,勺子或叶片捕获和材料,或防止干燥均匀。Conaform可以很容易地清洗快速变化的产品或颜色,保持^小的过程。此功能使一个干燥器没有交叉污染的产品可用于许多不同的试剂级化学品的^高纯度。致密真空密封 Conaform有一个填料函,在入口处的蒸汽管道。易于维护,高效真空,真空能力过剩并不需要提供的泄漏。其他固定筒干燥机的类型与水平轴搅拌器需要两个填料箱,或批次的轴承内部。轴承OUT的批处理 所有轴承的Conaform安装在干燥室的外面。有没有润滑剂的产品污染的可能性。真空密封无尘排气阀 为了保持^高的产品纯度和无尘操作,Conaform干燥器配有特别设计的真空密封的排出阀。该阀是一个光滑的板坐在与蜗杆驱动器。有一点力气坚决座阀。通畅的流动,类似一个闸阀,它完全打开,但没有任何凹槽或通道捕获材料。围绕阀的轮辋提供的座椅的安装套筒,所以也没有损失的产品和没有在放电过程中的污染。无破损或磨损的晶体 Conaform机是温和的行动。整个没有移动部分内的Conaform确保打击解体的锋利边缘或拐角的晶体或磨损。这是一个无灰尘的^终产物所需的特殊的优势。无结块 - NO污染 由于Conaform旋转,和真空吸走水分,颗粒不断地改变自己的立场。没有结块,或污染的Conaform,在其他类型的干燥器。晶体板或拉长身材不包,但采取随机的方向,开放空间的蒸气逃脱。溶剂回收 帕特森Conaform干燥器干燥价值高的材料是特别有用的。从在干燥的材料中提取的溶剂或液体可以回收所使用的冷凝器。辅助设备,如冷凝器,倾析器,等等,可以提供与任何规模的Conaform干燥器。可以使用不带冷凝器 Conaform可以用于多种材料的干燥没有电容器或其他设备。优于盘架干燥 conaform真空干燥是优异的许多方法来托盘干燥。在盘架干燥,循环空气预热的材料和删除只从表面层中的水分。所有的蒸汽没有上升到表面,但移动到的地方的^低蒸气压力 - 通常是中心的批次,由于恶劣的热渗透。这里,它被冷凝,或者被重吸收引起结块。通过热传导的材料的多孔床总是慢,和辐射转移是众所周知的低效率的,在低温下,与真空干燥。同时在真空条件下干燥Conaform原则消除这些不足之处,并提供一致的产品每次。单位可以单独设计,以客户的材料规格和工艺参数。完成的Conaform的规格表,并通过电子邮件或传真提交帕特森的报价。 完成PATTERSON真空干燥系统由以下几部分组成:(A)PATTERSON#5 1'0“体直径Conaform真空式干燥机 - 双圆锥机,^大工作容积0.32立方英尺,额定工作容量:0.32立方英尺,身体总体积:0.49立方英尺,约。换热面积:2.9平方尺接触的所有部件:316不锈钢,夹克产品支持的立场和基地304不锈钢。设计条件:吹风机本体:100(212),全真空外套:25 psig至100(212)一致内部全真空,内表面抛光,电抛光180号,体绝缘,SS304护套覆盖,完整的HP不可分割的体速度:10 rpm的电机减速机,齿轮。应用领域:癌症药物的研究/制造(B)1.25 HP TEFC电机与单级旋片式真空泵真空系统,泄压阀,进口止回阀。(C)(1)只有4.5千瓦热水/冷却循环水系统与电子温度和过程控制器,具有数字通信接口,主控制面板。(D)控制系统的面板。自动基于微型处理器的控制系统将保持设定温度的加热周期的长度上。在加热周期的时间和其他参数将被设置在开始的过程周期。温度和真空度,将被记录的周期的长度上,并可以被下载到一个标准的PC扩散片材或其他格式。该系统会自动将控制的序列过程循环,烘干机旋转,热真空,热切断周期结束时。该控制系统包括:主输入开关断开 安装在面板上的人机界面触摸屏PLC 8“标准彩色面板,640×480像素的分辨率与相应的图形显示控制所有设备,如烘干机,真空系统和加热器。 数字温度指示器 真空泵控制 数字真空指示器 机控制 电阻式模拟触摸屏作为人机界面 RS232通讯端口和RS485连接到PC的数据采集等 (E)系统的所有组件连接到控制面板间的连接管道是撬装 驱动系统侧视图 非系统驱动器的侧视图 热水/冷却循环水系统控制面板的前视图 关闭真空泵 主屏幕 机控制 过程控制 真空控制 设定点的温度 增量小时 容器的温度 温度监控器 温度监控器 调节对比度 报警历史记录 控制系统 请注意:帕特森的内部专业知识,设计和提供我们所有的工艺设备的操作控制系统,无论是一个简单的开始/停止周期时间或执行复杂的多阶段系统配方或公式,并与现有的工厂控制系统。关闭控制箱,起动/停止,点动/运行和0-12小时定时器。 包括HMI触摸屏控制面板概述。 特写与PLC和变频电机控制器的控制面板内的。PATTERSON Industries Canada "The Process Equipment People" designs, engineers and manufactures Conaform Vacuum Dryers for many different industrial and chemical processes and applications. The PATTERSON Conaform drying operations are based on the principle that water or other volatile material moves from a zone of high vapor pressure to a zone of lower pressure. The Conaform attains this by warming the material to be dried to raise the vapor pressure of the absorbed or free liquid, or by decreasing the vapor pressure of the gas by vacuum or by sweeping it away with an air current. Thus, it is apparent that the Conaform Vacuum Dryer System provides the essential conditions for effective drying, efficient and uniform heat transfer throughout the batch .. and rapid removal of vapor.PATTERSON Conaform Vacuum Dryers can be built in sizes from 1 cubic foot (0.03 cu. m) to 371 cubic feet (10.51 cu. m) capacity with body diameters from 1' 6" (.46 m) to 10' 6" (3.2 m).PATTERSON Conaform Dryers are completely jacketed and designed for circulating hot water, oil, steam or vapors through the jacket. As the Conaform Unit rotates, the rapid and continuous inter-mixing of the batch brings every particle in contact with the heated surface. The combination of blending and interfolding helps achieve uniform temperature throughout the batch, prevents re-condensation since there are no cold spots, and contributes to rapid drying speed and the elimination of caking. Maintaining a high vacuum while the material is in motion permits the drawing off of moisture under ideal conditions.The PATTERSON Conaform Vacuum Dryer is designed for fast, efficient drying of a wide variety of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and food products. Its unique double cone rotating shape assures direct contact between the material and the heated surfaces. This results in efficient and uniform heat transfer and permits high speed drying without raising the drying temperature to the danger point of the material being processed.The PATTERSON Conaform is exceptionally gentle in action. The absence of moving parts assures against disintegration of crystals or abrasion of sharp edges or corners. Since the dryer is hermetically sealed, operations are dust -free. This means no material loss and no contamination of the atmosphere.The PATTERSON Conaform is designed for use in the drying of many materials without condensers or other auxiliary equipment. One Conaform will usually replace an entire series of tray ovens. Where condensers, decanters, etc., are required, they can be properly sized for every Conaform Dryer.The PATTERSON Conaform is available with a special dispersing mechanism known as the Conagrator, for materials that tend to form lumps in the drying process. The use of a Conagrator helps achieve high drying rates even when handling crystalline material.Applications:The PATTERSON Conaform Vacuum Dryer in addition to the drying feature can also be used for such functions as blending, heating, cooling and for liquid or gaseous additives. They are used for drying a wide range of food substances, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.The PATTERSON Conaform Vacuum Dryer has uses in processes requiring pre-blending, addition of liquid additives, heating the contents to bring out a reaction, removal of excess moisture and finally cooling of the batch of product.Design Features:A CLEAN INTERIOR - EASY TO KEEP CLEAN The interior of the Conaform Dryer consists only of the smooth sidewalls, through which the heat is transferred to the product. The unique double-cone shape of the drying compartment achieves the mixing and blending action. Intersections of cylinder and truncated cones are obtuse angles, so no material is trapped. There are no internal scrapers, plows, scoops or vanes to trap and hold material or prevent uniform drying.The Conaform can be easily cleaned for quick change of products or colors, with minimum process hold-up. This feature enables one Dryer to be used for many different reagent-grade chemicals of highest purity without cross contamination of products.TIGHT VACUUM SEAL The Conaform has one stuffing box-at the entrance of the vapor pipe. A highly efficient vacuum is easily maintained, as excess vacuum capacity is not required to provide for leakage. Other dryers of the stationary cylinder type with horizontal shaft agitator require two stuffing boxes, or a bearing inside of the batch.BEARINGS OUT OF THE BATCH All bearings of the Conaform are installed outside of the drying compartment. There is no possibility of product contamination from lubricants.VACUUM-TIGHT DUSTLESS DISCHARGE VALVE To maintain highest product purity and dust-free operation, the Conaform Dryer is fitted with a specially designed vacuum-tight discharge valve. The valve is a smooth plate seated with a worm drive. There is little effort required to firmly seat the valve. It opens fully, for unobstructed flow, similar to a gate valve, but has no grooves or channels to trap material. The rim around the valve provides a seat for attaching a sleeve, so there is no loss of product and no contamination during discharge.NO BREAKAGE OR ABRASION OF CRYSTALS The Conaform Dryer is gentle in action. The entire absence of moving parts within the Conaform ensures against disintegration of crystals or abrasion of sharp edges or corners. This is of special advantage where a dust-free final product is desired.NO CAKING - NO CONTAMINATION As the Conaform rotates, and the vacuum draws off moisture, the particles constantly change their position. There is no caking, or contamination in the Conaform, as in dryers of other types. Crystals of plate or elongated shape do not pack but take random orientation, leaving open space for vapor to escape.FOR SOLVENT RECOVERY The PATTERSON Conaform Dryer is particularly useful for drying materials of high value. Solvents or liquids extracted from the materials being dried may be recovered by the use of condensers. Auxiliary equipment, such as condensers, decanters, etc., can be supplied with any size Conaform Dryer.MAY BE USED WITHOUT CONDENSER The Conaform can be used for drying many materials without condensers or other equipment.SUPERIOR TO TRAY DRYING Conaform vacuum drying is superior in many ways to tray drying. In tray drying, the circulating air warms the material and removes moisture from the surface layer only. All vapors do not rise to the surface but move to the place of lowest vapor pressure - often the center of the batch, because of poor heat penetration. Here it is condensed or is reabsorbed to cause caking. Heat conduction through a porous bed of material is always slow, and transfer by radiation is notoriously inefficient at the low temperature associated with vacuum drying. The Conaform? principle of simultaneous drying under a vacuum eliminates these deficiencies and delivers a consistent product everytime.Units can be individually designed to customer's material specifications and process parameters. Complete the Conaform Specification Sheet and submit by e-mail or fax to PATTERSON for quotation. Complete PATTERSON Vacuum Drying System consisting of the following components:(A) PATTERSON Model #5, 1'0" body diameter Conaform Vacuum Dryer-Double Cone Dryer, Maximum Operating Capacity 0.32 cu.ft, Nominal Working Capacity: .32 cu.ft, Total Body Volume: 0.49 cu.ft, Approx. Heat Transfer Area: 2.9 sq. ft. All parts contacting product 316 stainless, Jacket support stands and base 304 Stainless Steel. Design Conditions: Dryer Body: Full Vacuum to 100 (212), Jacket: 25 psig to 100 (212) coincident with Internal Full Vacuum, Internal surfaces polished to 180 grit followed by electro-polishing, body insulated and covered with SS304 sheathing, complete with HP integral gear motor reducer, Body Speed: 10 rpms.Application: Cancer Drug Research/Manufacturing(B) Vacuum System with single stage Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump with 1.25 HP TEFC motor, bleed valve and inlet check valve.(C) One (1) only 4.5 kW Hot Water/Cooling Circulating System with electronic temperature and process controller with digital communication interface to main control panel.(D) Control System with Panel. The automatic micro processor based control system will maintain the set temperature over the length of the heating cycle. The time for the heating cycle and other parameters will be set at the beginning of the process cycle. Temperature and vacuum will be recorded over the length of the cycle and can be downloaded to a standard PC spread sheet or other format. The system will automatically control the sequence for process cycle, Dryer rotation, heat, vacuum, cut off of heat at end of cycle.The Control System includes:Main input disconnect switch Panel-mounted HMI Touch screen PLC 8" Standard colour panel, 640 x 480 pixel resolution with appropriate graphics showing control of all devices such as Dryer, Vacuum System, and Heater. Digital Temperature Indicator Vacuum Pump Controls Digital Vacuum Indicator Dryer Controls Resistive Analog Touchscreen as HMI interface RS232 communications Port and RS485 for connection to PC for data acquisition etc. included (E) System is skid mounted with all components wired to the control panel and inter-connecting piping Drive side view of System Non Drive Side view of System Front view of Control Panel with Hot Water/Cooling Circulating System Close up view of Vacuum Pump Main Screen Dryer Control Process Control Vacuum Control Set point Temperature Increment Hour Vessel Temperature Temperature Monitor Temperature Monitor Adjust Contrast Alarm History Control Systems Please note: PATTERSON has in-house expertise to design and supply operating control systems for all of our process equipment, whether it is a simple start/stop with cycle time or complex multi-stage systems executing recipes or formulas and communicating with existing plant control systems.Close up of Control Box with stop/start, jog/run and 0-12 hr timer. Control Panel Overview including HMI Touch Screen. Close-up of Inside of Control Panel with PLC and Variable Frequency Motor Controllers.
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· 真空干燥机通过在真空状态下对物料进行干燥处理,具  
· 双锥回转真空干燥机作为新型干燥机都有哪些优势和缺  
· 真空干燥机的操作过程有哪些个步骤?  
· 真空干燥机可以在短时间内将物料中的水分排出,提高  
· 双锥回转真空干燥机筒体的旋转速度越快,干燥速度也  
· 详细介绍真空干燥机的调试方法和使用要领  
· MC系列脉冲布筒滤尘器
· SC系列水雾化除尘器
· TS系列提升加料机
· YS流化床料斗提升卸料机
· ZJ系列自动上料机
· SRZ和SRL型螺旋翅片式散热器
· JRF系列燃煤热风炉
· RLY系列燃油热风炉
· FS系列方形筛
· ZS系列振荡筛
· WFJ系列微粉碎机
· CSJ系列粗粉碎机
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